Michael D Luong

My personal website

How to set up a personal website using AWS Route 53 and GitHub Pages

Update- I’ve switched over to Google Domains

  1. Create a GitHub account
  2. Create a new repository and name it {username}.github.io where {username} is your github user name
    • https://github.com/new
    • Your source code will be accessible to the public but it’s free. You also have the option to upgrade your account to create private repos.
  3. Register a domain

— to be continued

(Old AWS steps)

  1. Create an AWS account and register a domain
  2. In AWS, navigate to Route 53 -> Hosted Zones and select your domain name.
  3. Click the blue “Create Record Set” button near the top
  4. Add www as the name, since Route 53 doesn’t support URL rewrites.
  5. Change the Type to CNAME - Canonical name
  6. Set the value to {username}.github.io and click Create

  7. Navigate to your GitHub Page https://github.com/{username}/{username}.github.io
  8. Opening up the repo’s settings and scroll down to the GitHub Pages section
  9. Set the custom domain to www.{yourdomain} and save
  10. Add some content to your repo
    • All you need is an index.html in your repo or you can use a built in Jekyll theme
  11. Go to your domain and enjoy
